Monday, August 24, 2009

Aug.24, 2009
OK, just so you know this is a first for me so please be patient with me as I learn what this "blogging" thing is all about!! So far most of what I know is that I enjoy reading others blogger sites and fine some of them very entertaining as well as inspirational to say the least. What ever did we do before this? (we stayed on the stupid telephone way too long and didn't get anything done! and not know cell phone either) Oops...I just dated myself....oh well, I may be old but I still have some very creative ideas floating around in my head and they have NOTHING to do with crocheted items (no offense to the crocheters....I never could get the hang of it)
I have been busy this summer keeping a couple of my grandsons while my daughter worked and they were so much fun! Not that I didn't have my moments with them (boys will be boys) but at 7 and 3 years old someone doesn't want to be LOOKED at sometimes and you know what happens then! Well, today school started and I must say that it was very quiet at my house and I missed them but BOY did I get a lot done without ANY interruptions!
Had to go find out how the first day went and they were both happy with their teachers, classmates and so forth. YEA!!! How I have been sending up prayers for kids everywhere as they start back to school for protection from "the evil one" that lurks around every corner waiting to capture their little souls......God has these special umbrellas He uses to protect if only you ask for them!!
Will be taking pictures of projects that I have been working on this summer to sell at my retail store so be watching for those.